- Let's appeal your visit to your Japanese friends! Please write in English or Japanese.
- It is possible to enter at a reduced fare by writing a previous notice of coming to a store.
Please access URL written in the mail transmitted after writing, and present the displayed QR code when you enter.
- Please tell "Writing number" and "Writing name" by the acceptance. whether it prints out and you have the QR code for writing from PC.
BodyBreath! 2024-04-06 05:08
6(土)朝10 時 営業再開致します
店内で怪我された方の救急処置と警察対応の為、金曜深夜にいったん閉店しておりましたが、事件は無しとの事となりましたので、本日6(土)朝10時 に営業再開致します。