- 向日本人宣傳來店預告吧! 請用日語或英語寫
- It is possible to enter at a reduced fare by writing a previous notice of coming to a store.
Please access URL written in the mail transmitted after writing, and present the displayed QR code when you enter.
- Please tell "Writing number" and "Writing name" by the acceptance. whether it prints out and you have the QR code for writing from PC.
172.66.32 ウケ
▼ No.39105 Re:午前中(たぁ)
> ▼ No.39104 午前中(あ)
> > 11:30くらいまでですが、初めていってみようかと、、午前でもどなたかいますか?
> 今から行きますよ?